About the Standards

Competency Standards Framework - Culturally responsive clinical practice: Working with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds establishes recommended and optimal cultural responsiveness competency standards for clinicians in all healthcare settings.

Delivering quality care to people from migrant and refugee backgrounds requires clinicians to adopt culturally responsive practices and utilise competencies enabling them to communicate and work effectively with this cohort.

The purpose of the Framework is to inform the development of clinical education, training, professional development curricula and competency standards for clinicians. The Framework is intended to be flexible and is designed to apply across a range of healthcare settings and across a range of curricula and competency standards models. The Framework has been widely endorsed by peak professional bodies for clinicians

What are the Competency Standards? Watch the video below. 

It is our hope that all clinical education, training and standard setting bodies consider and adapt the Framework to meet their respective needs, circumstances and context.

The Framework is accompanied by the Guide for Clinicians Working with Interpreters in Healthcare Settings, which provides evidence-based recommendations for effective communication in the event of doctor-patient language discordance, specifically with regard to engaging and working with interpreters.

The Guide has been officially recognised as an Accepted Clinical Resource by The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.